Monday, October 7, 2019

Exeter-Milligan Update: Grandparent's Day

First Grade News at Exeter-Milligan
By Sara Lincoln, First Grade Instructor

First Grade had their annual Grandparents Day in September.  The students used their iPads to start the afternoon.  They had to scan a QR code that took them to a question they had to ask their Grandparents.  The students enjoyed sharing their skills with technology with their Grandparents. After they finished their iPad activity they played Head Bands.  The students and Grandparents had to give clues to each other to figure out what the word was on the card.  The remainder of the afternoon was spent coloring, asking questions and spending quality time with each other.  We had a great turn out and the kids loved seeing their Grandparents.  Thank you to everyone who was able to make it. 

Bottom picture is Braxton Harre with his great-grandparents Gary and Lois Pribyl.

 Top picture is Brooklyn Lawson showing her grandmothers how to scan QR codes with her iPad for the scavenger hunt.

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