The Exeter Village Board met on Wednesday May 8th
with a very short agenda.
The board approved the minutes and invoices and then opened
the issue of painting the parking lines downtown.
Board member Justin Harre noted that one downtown business
owner recommended “we do what they do in Milligan. Just make short stubby
lines about five feet long. I don’t think we need the lines all the way
Chairman Alan Michl added,” I agree there needs to be some
kind of line. If you don’t put something they won’t get the angle
right. The less we paint the better.”
After further discussion the board decided to paint lines in
the downtown area as well as around the post office but did not specify a
length of the lines. They asked Village Maintenance Supervisor John
Mueller to check on a cost for painting the lines.
Mueller reported that the pool painting was completed.
He added that new lights in the office and the library were installed. He
received one bid for the fire hall cement. Michl explained that the
driveway cement at the fire hall would be replaced in stages and the sidewalks
would also be replaced. The area around the fire department sign would
also be encased in cement.
The board discussed some issues with the ball shack not
being left clean and controlling access to the concession area and storage.
Clerk Becky Erdkamp gave her report to the
board. She noted that sales tax for February was $8044.34 and Keno
for March was $487.32.
Clerk Erdkamp reported that one resident is not happy with
the grass that was planted during the street construction. Harre was also
contacted by the resident. Another resident left a photo of the buckets
of the stakes they had pulled out with the mesh that held the grass down.
Michl has forwarded the complaints to JEO.
The board held a discussion on the Storybook park cleanup as
Lynette has requested some assistance.
Pool Manager Katie Mounce has scheduled a meeting with the
pool employees for May 23 to review duties, cleaning and concessions.
The board set the next meeting set for Wednesday, June
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