FCCLA member Daisy Kanode shares her nationally qualified
presentation with the Exeter-Milligan school board. Listening are
Superintendent Paul Sheffield (middle) and board member Adam Erdkamp (right).
After opening the Exeter-Milligan school board meeting,
President Sharon Kuska moved quickly into the consensus agenda starting with
the treasurer’s report. The board approved the agenda.
The curriculum report was presented by Jordan Marr on his
classes in social science and business. He discussed his business math class in
which he has created online curriculum which allows the students to work at
their own pace even if he is not in the classroom for a day.
He shared that presented the information at the Nebraska
Educational Technology Association (NETA) conference noting how it could wean
the district from dependence on substitutes. By allowing the students to
work at their own pace he found they eventually “covered an additional four
chapters which was about 40 days of lessons. This worked better than
previous methods and the kids seemed to like it.”
He noted that the America Government class again won the
traveling plaque during the jeopardy game at county government day. He
has also instituted a process for students to present petitions to change some
things to Mrs. Kroll.
After briefly sharing about the other courses he teaches and
the changes that are coming for quiz bowl competition, Marr informed the board
that he is currently restoring some of the old trophies that were stashed all
over the school. His plan is to make a digital library of all the
trophies in Exeter and Milligan.
Marr, a member of the districts safety committee briefly
shared some of their progress and goals.
Next on the agenda was presentations from two of the
Exeter-Milligan Family Career Community Leaders of America students who
qualified for the National conference this summer. Their advisor, Mary
Lou Vossler introduced Caitlin Murphy presenting on her recycling project and
Daisy Kanode who presented on the subject of depression.
The board approved an interlocal agreement with Friend to
share an Agriculture teacher. Friend will hold the contract. Sheffield
noted that they also agreed to share a science teacher for .25 time.
Lorie Sliefert will teach the first two periods in Friend before coming to
Exeter. Board approved the agreements.
Under new business Kuska noted that the negotiations
committee met and recommended that the board approve the non-certified
contracts. The board approved those contracts.
The board reviewed the updates made to the crisis committee
policy. Denice Kovanda, the chair of the crisis committee, explained, “The
policy was just a listing of what members would do and it was quite
muddled. It wasn’t really policy material. We made a handbook that will
be with each crisis team member. We made it more concise.”
Committee member Mary Lou Vossler added, “ We all feel more
comfortable knowing what each member is responsible for and what we are
supposed to do.”
Also reviewed was the policy on memorials. This was
established by the committee and separated from the crisis policy. It
outlined that memorials may not be displayed anywhere on the school premises or
in the school yearbook. Also, no memorial services are allowed on school
grounds on a school day.
The board held an extended discussion on the reasoning
behind these policies.
Next on the agenda was volleyball Coach Darcy White who
requested that the board move all of the home volleyball games to Exeter.
White, who has coached volleyball for 25 years, 16 of those
at Exeter-Milligan, noted that the updated and new facilities in Exeter were
appreciated last year when the team played their home games in Exeter (due to
maintenance issues in Milligan).
She mentioned that the soundproofing in Exeter, the access
to restrooms and handicap accessibility along with the longer and wider court
in Exeter make it a better option for the team and their fans.
White, who also teaches PE at Exeter-Milligan had concerns
about the safety in Milligan not only for volleyball but for the PE classes as
well. “There is no padding on the wall that extends the width of the
gym. Only behind the backboard. The restrooms are not easily
accessible and it has just two small locker rooms. We also have
congestion when entering and leaving the court.”
White polled the other volleyball coaches in the conference
and read their responses to the board. Many of them mentioned the close
quarters and concerns for the safety of their players.
To emphasize the need for a longer and wider court White
shared a clip of one of last year state volleyball matches. In the clip
she indicated to the board the length a player needs to jump serve and also the
side court space needed to successful play a ball to return it to the court.
“One of the coaches has asked at conference meetings if
there was any way we could not play in Milligan. The game of volleyball has
changed so much. In the 80’s volleyball was a completely different game,” added
Several from the audience spoke in support of moving the
volleyball matches to Exeter.
President Kuska commented, ”When we combined it was
understood that the fall sports would be played in Milligan and the winter
sports in Exeter. The intent with the merger was that we would support
both towns.”
The board held a lengthy discussion on the matter weighing
the pros and cons. Board member Adam Erdkamp added, “You aren’t going to please
everyone. What the board has to look at is what is best for the students.
. . I don’t care where we play, Exeter or Milligan. We need to provide
the best opportunity for our students.”
The board turned the discussion to making some changes in
Milligan to make it more appealing. Kuska indicated that the building
committee could look at the facility in Milligan and make recommendations. “We
can make some changes that can improve the quality.”
Board member Kendra Oldehoeft noted, “We talk about spending
our money wisely. We can’t ask the teachers to budget and then spend
money for three home volleyball games.”
Board member Eric Milton added, “When we spent that $400,000
(on the addition in Exeter) we said we weren’t doing it to move everything
here. The padding is a no brainer even for PE. I’d be against
moving it at this time."
Kuska asked the building committee to look into the facility
and come back to the board with some recommendations at the next meeting.
“We need to make it safe for the students that are using it on a daily
The next meeting was set for Tuesday, June 12 at 8 p.m. in
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