Saturday, January 28, 2017

Exeter-Milligan Update: You Pick the Heroes!

You Pick the Heroes!
By Lisa Soukup, E-M Media Specialist

For the last three years, Exeter-Milligan Public Schools has been collecting Box Tops to help fund our school store and now our MakerSpace experience. We have asked the community to save their labels for us and we have encouraged the students to ask family and friends to also save for us. Our income from the labels has been around $800 to $1,000 a year, and that is thanks everyone who has been saving for us.

There are those people in life that you run across, who chip in and do their part because they want to teach their children how to give back to the community where they live. Wayne and Rachel Vossler are those people. When the request came to start collecting box tops, they decided to make it a family project. They put boxes around town and talked to family and friends about saving labels for them. Trenton and Joleen along with Joel help their mom pick up the labels from the various places around town and collected many from family and friends.

When the labels came in, they would sit down as a family and go through them, taking out the outdated ones and bagging them up. Then they would divide them among the three children and send them to school. Joel, the youngest, brought a bag to school the other day. In that bag was over 1,000 box tops. To be exact, there were 1,141 labels worth $114.10 and this is not the first time the Vossler children have brought in labels this school year. Each month each Vossler child brings in a bag of labels anywhere from 25 to 75 labels each. Each label is worth $0.10 so $2.50 to $7.50 per child each month. That is an awesome way to help give back to the school and a wonderful life lesson.

Wayne and Rachel wanted everyone to realize “our kids are nothing but the transportation with box tops. So many many friends, extended family AND people in the community collect them, and we just get them into your hands”.

Thank you Vossler family, friends and community of Exeter and Milligan for your generosity in helping Exeter-Milligan Public Schools fund the School Store for K-6 students and help fund some of the supplies for MakerSpace. It is because of people like you that we are able to provide these opportunities for our students.

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