Cub Scouts Alec Schlueter (left) and Braden Capek (ready) get ready to carry in the flags at the Exeter Veterans Day Program.
Exeter-Milligan Senior Becca Vossler welcomed the crowd at the Exeter Veteran's Day Program.
The Exeter-Milligan Junior High Choir sang Wednesday at the Exeter Veteran's Day Program.
The Exeter-Milligan band performed "The Star Spangled Banner" at the Veteran's Day Program on Wednesday.
Tim Wilbeck spoke at the Exeter Veteran's Day Program.
The Exeter-Milligan High School Choir from the left Meghan Miller, Kimberlin Ruhl and Ashley Miller.
Exeter-Milligan senior Claire White closed the Veteran's Day Program.
Exeter remembered their Veterans with a program on Wednesday at the Exeter-Milligan school.
After a welcome by Becca Vossler, flags presented by Exeter Cub Scout Pack 218 and the Exeter-Milligan Band performing the "Star Spangled Banner" and "The Sentry Boy," Wilbeck spoke to the large crowd.
"Our biggest national debt is that which Americans owe to their Veterans," explained Tim Wilbeck at the Exeter Veteran's Day Program on Wednesday.
Wilbeck emphasized the debt that Americans owe for their freedom and not only the sacrifices that our veterans have made, but also those that their spouses and families have experienced.
"It is not in the nature of American warriors to complain. . .warriors finish the task," explained Wilbeck while encouraging the crowd to be proactive in helping veterans. He spoke of the organizations that are available to help our veterans but other ways that community members can support veterans.
"Tell a veteran thank you. There are other ways to say thank you, take pride in your community, honor and respect your neighbors, show support for veterans or hire a veteran," explained Wilbeck.
Noting the prevalence of homelessness among our veterans, Wilbeck encouraged us to do better, "Vet's don't ask for much, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the human and financial cost of war."
Wilbeck quoted George Washington in the treatment of veterans, "The willingness of young people to serve is directly proportional to how veterans will be treated."
Wilbeck went on to say that if we treat veterans half as well as they have served us, no amount of money can adequately repay them for what they have done, "They have given us freedom and security, we are the greatest nation on earth, we must appreciate them."
Under the direction of Mrs. Angie Murphy the Junior High Choir performed "My America" before the program was closed by Exeter-Milligan Senior Claire White.
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